
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Phobos-Grunt: Τοξική ανεξέλεγκτη «βόμβα» 7,5 τ. υδραζίνης σε τροχιά

«Ως το πλέον επικίνδυνο αντικείμενο που έχει πέσει ποτέ στη Γη», χαρακτήρισε τον ρωσικό διαστημικό βολιστήρα Phobos-Grunt (Фобос-Грунт) το πρώην κορυφαίο στέλεχος της NASA James Oberg.
Ο Phobos-Grunt λίγο μετά από την εκτόξευσή του στις 9 Νοεμβρίου και εξαιτίας προβλημάτων στον πυραυλικό του φορέα, τέθηκε εκτός ελέγχου και σήμερα περιφέρεται ανεξέλεγκτος σε χαμηλή τροχιά. Το ρωσικό διαστημόπλοιο είχε ως προορισμό.....

τον δορυφόρο του Άρη Φόβο,για τη συλλογή 200 γραμ. χώματος από την επιφάνεια του δορυφόρου και στη συνέχεια επιστροφή στη Γη, το 2014.

Αντί αυτού όμως το ρωσικό κέντρο ελέγχου έχασε κάθε επαφή με το διαστημόπλοιο, το οποίο σήμερα βρίσκεται σε χαμηλή περιγήινη τροχιά και αναμένεται να εισέλθει στη ατμόσφαιρα το πρώτο δεκαπενθήμερο του Ιανουαρίου.

Στο ερώτημα γιατί ο Fobos-Grunt είναι τόσο επικίνδυνος η απάντηση βρίσκεται στο καύσιμο που μεταφέρει στο ανώτερο τμήμα του και το οποίο δεν έχει πυροδοτηθεί: στους 7,5 δηλαδή τόνους υδραζίνης και τετροξειδίου του αζώτου. Και οι δύο αυτές χημικές ενώσεις είναι ιδιαίτερα τοξικές και επικίνδυνες για τη δημόσια υγεία έχοντας σημείο τηξης στους 2 C και -11,5 C αντίστοιχα.

Τα δύο αυτά στοιχεία φυλάσσονται σε υγρή μορφή μέσα στις δεξαμενές του βολιστήρα και αναμένεται να καούν κατά την επανείσοδο υπάρχει όμως πάντα η πιθανότητα σύμφωνα με τον James Oberg να παγώσουν πριν αρχίσει η διαδικασία επανεισόδου. Κάτι τέτοιο, σύμφωνα με το στέλεχος της NASA εμπεριέχει κινδύνους για την περιοχή στην οποία θα καταπέσει καθώς τα υπολείμματα της υδραζίνης και του τετροξειδίου του αζώτου μπορεί να προκαλέσουν σημαντική απειλή.

Το βάρος των καυσίμων στον Phobos-Grunt είναι 20 φορές μεγαλύτερο από ότι περιείχετο στον αμερικανικό κατασκοπευτικό δορυφόρο USA 193 ο οποίος καταρρίφθηκε από την USAF πριν εισέλθει στην ατμόσφαιρα το Φεβρουάριο του 2008, καθώς υπήρχε μεγάλος κίνδυνος από το ιδίου τύπου καύσιμο που μετέφερε.

Εκτός όμως από τον ιδιαίτερα μεγάλο τοξικό κίνδυνο που προβάλλει ο Phobos-Grunt ερωτηματικά προκαλούν και οι διφορούμενες δηλώσεις των Ρώσων επιστημόνων για τους λόγους στην απώλεια ελέγχου του βολιστήρα.

Ο Vladimir Popovkin επικεφαλής της ρωσικής υπηρεσίας διαστήματος Roscocosmos φέρεται να έχει δηλώσει πως η αποτυχία στην εξασφάλιση τηλεμετρίας και κατά συνέπεια επικοινωνίας και ελέγχου με το σκάφος οφείλεται σε «παράκαμψη εντολών» από «άγνωστες δυνάμεις» (!) τις οποίες όμως δεν κατονόμασε. Ο Lev Zelenyi επικεφαλής του ρωσικού συμβουλίου εξερεύνησης του ηλιακού συστήματος δήλωσε χαρακτηριστικά; «Αν και είναι σωστό από τεχνικής πλευράς ότι η πρώτη πυροδότηση δεν πραγματοποιήθηκε όποιος είναι ενήμερος και παρακολουθεί τα γεγονότα εκ του σύνεγγυς γνωρίζει ότι η πρώτη αποτυχία ήταν αυτή του συστήματος ελέγχου στο σκάφος . Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, ότι και αν ήταν αυτή η βλάβη, εάν τελικά ήταν ο κεντρικός υπολογιστής του Phobos-Grunt δεν «είπε» στα άλλα συστήματα του σκάφους να ξεκινήσουν, συμπεριλαμβανομένων και των κινητήρων και έτσι δεν ξεκίνησαν».

Η Roscocosmos έκανε πολλές προσπάθειες αποκατάστασης της επαφής με το διαστημόπλοιο χωρίς όμως αποτέλεσμα. Το διαστημόπλοιο επρόκειτο να πυροδοτήσει τους κινητήρες του για την πρώτη φάση καύσης μετά την ολοκλήρωση της αρχικής τροχιάς (περίπου1,7 τροχιές) ή 2,5 ώρες μετά την εκτόξευσή του, έτσι ώστε να βρεθεί σε μια ελλειπτική τροχιά που θα το έφερνε 250 χλμ. στο περίγειο και 4150 χλμ. στο απόγειο πριν πραγματοποιήσει άφεση της μιας δεξαμενής καυσίμου και στη συνέχεια πραγματοποιήσει την κύρια φάση καύσης και η οποία θα το έθετε σε πορεία προς τον πλανήτη Άρη και το δορυφόρο του.

Η πρώτη όμως αυτή πυροδότηση τελικά δεν έγινε και ο βολιστήρας δεν έφθασε ποτέ στο προγραμματισμένο σημείο όπου θα έθετε τους κύριους κινητήρες του σε λειτουργία. Αντίθετα ανακαλύφθηκε να «περιφέρεται» στην αρχική του τροχιά, με τους Ρώσους ειδικούς να μην μπορούν να αποκαταστήσουν επαφή μαζί του.

Ο Vladimir Popovkin ερμήνευσε την αποτυχία αυτή, σε δηλώσεις που έκανε στο BBC στην αποτυχία του συστήματος ναυτιλίας του διαστημοπλοίου να προσανατολιστεί σε σχέση με τον αστρικό χάρτη και έτσι ο υπολογιστής δεν έδωσε εντολή να γίνει η πρώτη πυροδότηση. Σε ρωσικά ΜΜΕ όταν όμως ρωτήθηκε γιατί δεν το σύστημα ναυτιλίας απέτυχε, δήλωσε πως επρόκειτο για «παράκαμψη εντολών» από άγνωστο κέντρο!

Η ευρωπαϊκή υπηρεσία διαστήματος (ESA) –η οποία συνεργάστηκε στο πρόγραμμα- σταμάτησε τις προσπάθειες αποκατάστασης επαφής με το βολιστήρα στις 2 Δεκεμβρίου ενώ η αμερικανική στρατηγική διοίκηση διαστημικών επιχειρήσεων JSpOC (US Strategic Command’s Joint Space Operations Center) δήλωσε πως παρακολουθεί τον Phobos-Grunt και ότι βρίσκεται σε χαμηλή τροχιά μεταξύ 205 και 305 χλμ. και ότι κάθε ημέρα το ύψος αυτό μειώνεται κατά μερικά χιλιόμετρα. Οι εκτιμήσεις για το πότε ο βολιστήρας πέσει στη Γη, ποικίλουν αλλά οι νεότερες πληροφορίες μιλούν για το πρώτο δεκαπενθήμερο του Ιανουαρίου.

Ο στόχος της Roscocosmos όπως έχει δηλωθεί είναι η προσπάθεια αποκατάστασης με το διαστημόπλοιο έτσι ώστε να προχωρήσει στην αυτόκαταστροφή του μέχρι να αυτό να αγγίξει τα υψηλότερα στρώματα της ατμόσφαιρας. Σε αντίθετη περίπτωση ο βολιστήρας θα πέσει ανεξέλεγκτος και ουδείς γνωρίζει σήμερα το που.


Έλληνας αστρονόμος ανακάλυψε φαράγγι στη Σελήνη!!

Ένα τεράστιο φαράγγι στην επιφάνεια της Σελήνης ανακάλυψε έλληνας ερασιτέχνης αστρονόμος.

Ο Γιώργος Ταρσούδης από την Αλεξανδρούπολη ανακάλυψε ένα φαράγγι τέτοιου μεγέθους που ενώ βρίσκεται στην Σελήνη μπορεί και είναι ορατό από την Γη. Σύμφωνα με τις ανάλογες μετρήσεις που έγιναν το μήκος αυτού του σχηματισμού φαίνεται να φτάνει περίπου τα 31 χιλιόμετρα!

Ο γεωλογικός σχηματισμός στην επιφάνεια της Σελήνης θα πρέπει τώρα να αποκτήσει όνομα από την διεθνή αστρονομική κοινότητα.


Οι διαστημικές αποστολές που κορυφώνονται το 2012

Ένα έτος εξερεύνησης
 Το 2011 συνταξιοδοτήθηκε το διαστημικό λεωφορείο και η αποστολή Messenger έφτασε στον Ερμή. Tο 2012, όμως, υπόσχεται να είναι πιο συναρπαστικό όσον αφορά τη διαστημική εξερεύνηση.

Δύο από τις αποστολές που κορυφώνονται τη νέα χρονιά βρίσκονται ήδη καθ' οδόν για το στόχο τους, ενώ οι υπόλοιπες αναχωρούν εντός του 2012.

To Dragon της αμερικανικής SpaceΧ θα είναι το πρώτο ιδιωτικό σκάφος που προσεγγίζει τον Διεθνή Διαστημικό Σταθμό
To Dragon της αμερικανικής SpaceΧ θα είναι το πρώτο ιδιωτικό σκάφος που προσεγγίζει τον Διεθνή Διαστημικό Σταθμό   (Φωτογραφία:  SpaceX )
Δεδομένου ότι η NASA δεν διαθέτει αυτή τη στιγμή σκάφος για την εκτόξευση πληρωμάτων, και η Ρωσία έχει αναλάβει αποκλειστικά τις αποστολές πληρωμάτων από και προς τον Διεθνή Διαστημικό Σταθμό, μόνο μία σημαντική επανδρωμένη αποστολή αναμένεται το 2012:

  • Το «Θεϊκό Σκάφος»: Η Κίνα προχωρά στις επόμενες δύο επόμενες διαστημικές αποστολές της. Οι αποστολές 9 και 10 του Σενζού, ή «Θεϊκού Σκάφους», πιστεύεται ότι θα είναι επανδρωμένες. Και στις δύο περιπτώσεις, το σκάφος θα παραμείνει συνδεδεμένο σε τροχιά με την υπομονάδα Τιανγκόνγκ, η οποία θα αποτελέσει τη βάση για την ανάπτυξη του πρώτου κινεζικού διαστημικού σταθμού την επόμενη δεκαετία.
Ακόμα, το 2012 θα ξεκινήσουν ή θα περάσουν σε νέα φάση τρεις μη επανδρωμένες διαπλανητικές αποστολές:

  • Κυνηγητό γύρω από τη Σελήνη: Ανήμερα την Πρωτοχρονιά, τα δίδυμα σκάφη GRAIL της NASA θα τεθούν σε τροχιά γύρω από το φεγγάρι και το ένα θα αρχίσει να κυνηγά το άλλο ακολουθώντας το από κοντά. Μετρώντας την αυξομείωση της απόστασης που τα χωρίζει, τα δύο σκάφη θα χαρτογραφήσουν το βαρυτικό πεδίο της Σελήνης και θα δώσουν νέα στοιχεία για το εσωτερικό της.
  • Η Περιέργεια στον Άρη: Το Επιστημονικό Εργαστήριο του Άρη, περισσότερο γνωστό ως Curiosity, είναι το μεγαλύτερο τροχοφόρο ρομπότ που έχει εκτοξεύσει ως σήμερα η NASA. Το πυρηνοκίνητο όχημα, σε μέγεθος τζιπ, εκτοξεύτηκε φέτος και προγραμματίζεται να προσεδαφιστεί στον Κρατήρα Γκέιλ του Άρη στις 6 Αυγούστου. Χρησιμοποιώντας μια πληθώρα από όργανα, όπως ένα κρουστικό δράπανο και ένα λέιζερ που εξετάζει πετρώματα, το ρομπότ θα εξετάσει αν ο γειτονικός πλανήτης ήταν ποτέ φιλόξενος για τη ζωή.
  • Η Χαραυγή στη Δήμητρα: Η αποστολή Dawn της NASA, που βρίσκεται σήμερα σε τροχιά γύρω από τον αστεροειδή Εστία, θα ολοκληρώσει αυτή τη φάση του ταξιδιού και θα αναχωρήσει για τον επόμενο στόχο της, τον πλανήτη νάνο Δήμητρα, ο οποίος βρίσκεται στη ζώνη των αστεροειδών, ανάμεσα στον Άρη και τον Δία.

Το 2012, τέλος, η ιδιωτική πρωτοβουλία στο Διάστημα μπαίνει σε νέα τροχιά:

  • Δράκος στο σταθμό: Για τις αρχές Φεβρουαρίου προγραμματίζεται η πρώτη αποστολή ιδιωτικού σκάφους στον Διεθνή Διαστημικό Σταθμό (ISS). Το μη επανδρωμένο σκάφος Dragon της εταιρείας SpaceX θα αναχωρήσει τοποθετημένο στην κορυφή ενός πυραύλου Falcon της ίδιας εταιρείας για να μεταφέρει εφόδια στο μόνιμο πλήρωμα.
  • Υποτροχιακός τουρισμός: Εντός του 2012 αναμένεται η πρώτη πραγματικά πυραυλοκίνητη δοκιμή του SpaceShipTwo, του σκάφους που αναπτύσσει η Virgin Galactic για τουριστικές αποδράσεις στο όριο της ατμόσφαιρας. Στις μέχρι σήμερα δοκιμές, το SpaceShipTwo απελευθερώθηκε με επιτυχία από το μητρικό αεροπλάνο που θα το μεταφέρει σε μεγάλο ύψος, δεν πυροδότησε όμως τον πυραυλοκινητήρα του στον οποίο θα βασίζεται για τις υποτροχιακές πτήσεις.

Friday, December 23, 2011

OnLive gets Xperia Play support, iPad app still MIA

The Sony Ericsson Xperia Play was a bit of a dud. The long-rumored Playstation Phone implemented a cool idea — put a slide-out physical controller on an Android phone — but old PS1 games weren’t enough to get most people excited (Crash Bandicoot was cool in 1997, but not so much in 2011). The Xperia [...]


The Large Hadron Collider has been recreated in Lego

CERN has been in the news quite a lot recently due to speculation over faster than light neutrinos, the possibility of discovering the Higgs boson, and the fact a new particle has just been discovered. Such news and research has earned the Large Hadron Collider many fans, and one of its biggest is Sasha Mehlhase, [...]


VIDEO: Man proposes… with some help from internet memes

Just before we break for the Christmas holidays, we want to share this with you. A man has used (like a boss) internet memes to assist him in his proposal to his girlfriend in Malaysia. And for those who want to know the answer, you’ll have to watch the video after the jump.

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tetris Company manager: Angry Birds is a fad

Angry Birds is a fad and won’t have the staying power of Tetris, according to The Tetris Company managing director Henk Rogers. Rogers, in a recent interview, compares the booming success of the smartphone game to the long-running popularity of the puzzle franchise. Rovio, the developer of Angry Birds, gets 40% of its revenue from [...]


Japanese scientist building life size Gundam robot complete with cockpit

Fans of the popular anime series “Gundam” are starting special bank accounts today after hearing that a Japanese scientist has set a goal of creating a life-sized replica of one of the fabled mobile suits from the show. Since 2002, Hajime Sakamoto has been working to build humanoid robots as president of the Hajime Research Institute. His [...]


Nest smart thermostat teardown reveals inner beauty

A very curious geek has risked the $250 investment in the Nest thermostat — the clever, networked device from one of the people behind the iPod — to tear it apart and share its insides with the world. The teardown reveals that the Nest is truly an advanced piece of electronics with a very Apple-ish [...]


Hasbro sues Asus over Transformer Prime name

It looks like the Decepticons aren’t the only foes that Optimus Prime is battling this holiday season. Hasbro, owner of the Transformers brand, is suing Asus for the name of its latest tablet, the Transformer Prime. Hasbro filed the lawsuit last week in Los Angeles federal court, saying that the tablet’s name is too similar [...]


Verizon says Galaxy Nexus signal problem is an illusion

Remember those signal issues that some Verizon Galaxy Nexus owners were having? According to Verizon, there is no actual signal problem, the only problem is with the number of bars being displayed. The carrier is supposedly working on a software update to fix the graphical glitch. Verizon spokesperson Brenda Raney said that the update will [...]


Java declared harmful, get it off your computer now

When it comes to keeping your computer system secure, browser plug-ins deserve a little extra attention. They’re frequently targeted by cybercriminals, and they’re not always patched as quickly as they should be. That’s a big reason why both Google and Mozilla blacklist or block plug-ins when they’re out of date. Generally, there are three plug-ins [...]


Samsung to reveal Android-controlled Smart TVs at CES?

CES is just around the corner, and that means it’s time for the product teases to begin. Up this morning is Samsung, and based on the video they’ve uploaded to their official YouTube channel it’s looking like they might show off some Android-controlled Smart TVs at the big bash in Las Vegas. Now, all we’ve [...]


LG previews 27-inch 3D monitor with 1mm bezel

CES 2012 doesn’t begin until January 10, but LG can’t wait any longer to announce four new IPS monitors the company will be showing off during the three day event. Specific details are still being kept for the show, but there’s one display in particular that’s worth talking about. First, we have to focus on [...]


Sony Xperia LT28AT leaked: 4.6-inch 720p reality display plus 13MP camera

Now that Sony is in the driver’s seat of its smartphone business, it looks like they’re ready to make a splash in 2012. The Xperia Nozomi LT26i leaked last month looked like a pretty impressive phone, and it now appears that it’ll have some company: the LT28AT. The newest Xperia showed up on the Bluetooth [...]


The EFF is reverse engineering Carrier IQ, here’s how you can help

In the weeks following Trevor Eckhart’s discovery that there was software on his phone that was recording what looked like a significant amount of information, the situation has boiled down to finger pointing and blame shifting. Carrier IQ claims they give the software out and it is modified to suit their customers, and they had no idea it was being [...]


Keep SOPA out of Firefox with DeSopa add-on

To say that the vast majority of geeks oppose SOPA would be an understatement. The name “Stop Online Piracy Act” may suggest a noble cause, but the tech-savvy amongst us see it as a clever mask for legislation that would put copyright holders’ interests over internet freedom. While the act’s passage isn’t certain, measures are [...]


Untethered jailbreak demonstrated for iOS 5, iOS 5.1

Are you itching for that untethered iOS 5 jailbreak that’s just around the corner? Do you like being teased? If so, you’ll want to check out the video that iOS hacker extraordinaire pod2g has posted. As advertised, it’s a jailbreak and it doesn’t require PC connection after a reboot. The phone in the video is [...]


Super Talent unveils the Storage POD Mini portable SSD

If you want a very fast internal hard drive, then SSD is the best, if most expensive choice. When it comes to external storage you have the choice between a typical hard drive or flash memory solution. Super Talent is attempting to introduce a third class of external storage though, by repackaging its internal SSD [...]


RUMOUR MILL: Yahoo to consider selling $17bn Asian assets to stay afloat?

Rumours are flying around, with many quoting anonymous sources claiming that Yahoo could be considering selling its stake in China’s Alibaba and its Japanese affiliate in order to stay afloat in the United States and maybe avoid seeking a sale to private equity firms.

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Nintendo patches Zelda bug with new Wii Channel

Nintendo has issued in Japan a free, downloadable Wii Channel to fix a show-stopping bug in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. The Zelda Data Restoration Channel, as it’s called, repairs save games affected by the Song of the Hero quest bug to enable players to keep on going. The channel, which is currently available [...]


Say Goodbye to Microsoft at CES – CES 2012 will be its last keynote

Microsoft HQ

Apple scaled back its MacWorld appearances in 2009, and now Microsoft will do the same. The company has announced that it will no longer do a major keynote presentation – always the first – after next year’s CES.

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Firefox 9 for Android shows off new tablet interface

Firefox 9 hit Mozilla’s servers yesterday, and now it’s rolling out as an automatic update for both desktop and mobile users. On your Windows, Mac, or Linux computer, you’ll be enjoying JavaScript performance that’s up to 30% faster. The new Android version, however, offers some more in-your-face improvements. The biggest change you’ll notice has to [...]


PS Vita battery lasts 46 percent longer than 3DS

If you did a quick specs comparison of the Sony PS Vita and the Nintendo 3DS, I think most people would choose the 3DS as having the longer battery life. It’s hardware isn’t as powerful and it has two low resolution displays. The Vita on the other hand has a 5-inch touchscreen, another touch panel [...]


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Archos 70b is a 7-inch Android Honeycomb tablet for $199

Archos is no stranger to the budget tablet game, though recently its bargain-priced tablets have been shifted to the Arnova brand. In January, however, the French company will begin offering an updated version of the 7-inch Archos 70 tablet: the Archos 70B, which will ship with Android 3.2 and sell for just $199. Inside, you’ll [...]


Hands-on: Kindle for iOS gets iPad magazines, PDF support

‘Tis the season for family, holiday cheer, and… iOS reader app updates? Just a couple of weeks after Apple’s iBooks got a huge update, Amazon has issued a big one for its Kindle app for both the iPhone and iPad. The biggest new feature — digital magazines — is exclusive to the iPad, but iPhone [...]


FedEx guy breaks new monitor throwing it over fence

Anyone with a basic knowledge of online shopping knows that you don’t go to a local store to buy your gadgets and PC parts. The prices are much cheaper online with the only downside being you have to rely on the delivery guy to treat your goods with respect. The FedEx guy in the video [...]


How to update the Kindle Fire and get much-needed performance fixes

While the Kindle Fire has been a sales sensation, some owners have had some early complaints about bugginess, particularly with the touchscreen. Amazon has done its best to remedy those problems with a new Kindle Fire update (6.2.1) which is rolling out now. What are the big changes? Amazon says that the update enhances UI [...]


iiNet to acquire Internode for $105m

UPDATED: iiNet has announced that it will acquire Internode and its associated companies for $105 million. The buyout will mean that the company, according to iiNet’s CEO Michael Malone, make iiNet “the new number 2 provider” of DSL broadband.

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Read More...’s top games of 2011

Every year the same thing happens: just as we start to get busy with the lead-up to Thanksgiving, some early holiday shopping, and other end-of-the-year activities, there is a massive flood of games. And not just any games, these are the triple-A titles that we’ve been waiting all year for. And then then comes Black [...]


Where are all those Galaxy Nexus subpixels?

Shortly after the Samsung Galaxy Nexus was released, the details behind that 720p display that had been previously celebrated gave some people cause to step back and re-evaluate their decision. Like many Samsung screens before it, this screen had a PenTile matrix. This means that the display has 33% less of the red and blue [...]


Review: Doctor Who: Worlds in Time

The BBC just announced the release of a Doctor Who social game from the makers of the excellent Puzzle Pirates and Spiral Knights. True to form, it’s a solid game with simplicity for the new players, depth for the experienced ones, and plenty of clever Doctor dialogue all along. Doctor Who: Worlds in Time is a 2D, browser-based, [...]


Intel shows off first Medfield-powered Android smartphone and tablet

Intel has been talking about its Medfield system-on-a-chip for ages, and now the company is finally ready to show it off. MIT’s Technology Review staff was lucky enough to score some face time with Intel’s reference design that it hopes will inspire manufacturers to take a good, long look at Medfield instead of continuing to [...]


CuBox is a sexy, ice cube-sized ARM computer

The tiny, geeky Raspberry Pi may finally be shipping (at least in a developer-friendly beta form), but if you’re looking for something with a little more spit-and-polish you might want to take a look at CuBox. No, that’s not an incredibly large 1 Euro coin and giant human hand pictured above — Cubox measures just [...]


More secure SD card tech proposed to make studios less terrified of digital downloads

Despite the fact that Louis C.K. has demonstrated the financial viability of DRM-free, unrestricted downloadable video, movie studios aren’t going to change their attitudes any time soon. They’re going to cling to DRM technologies like UltraViolet and keep on suing torrent downloaders until someone offers them an even better way to lock content down. A [...]


Lord of the Rings fans finally get a Hobbit trailer

Fans of Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings films have reason to cheer today as there is finally a trailer of the upcoming movie, “The Hobbit.” The first of a two-movie production, “The Hobbit” tells J.R.R. Tolkien’s prequel tale of Bilbo Baggins journeying with Gandalf (for the first time) to help reclaim Erebor for its rightful [...]


Apple replacing 2005 iPod nanos with the 2011 model

Not long ago, Apple announced that it was recalling first-generation iPod nanos due to an overheating issue. The company promised replacement units to owners whose devices qualified. Everything was moving along as planned until owners of the recalled units got a nice surprise: many of them are receiving current generation iPod nanos as replacements. The [...]


Amazon considered acquiring RIM over the summer

RIM has had a year its management team would probably like to forget. The PlayBook has been a disaster, BlackBerry phones may be surviving in the business sector, but consumers prefer iPhone and Android devices, and to cap it all off the company’s value has tumbled. So it may surprise you to hear that before [...]


Fisher Price toy becomes incredible Metal Slug tank

The Fisher Price child’s toy you see above is called the Imaginext Robot Police Tank. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t have been that impressed to receive this as a gift when I was a kid. There’s just not much to it, and the bright plastic look is a bit hard on the [...]


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

iPhone 4S jailbreak moves one step closer to release

That elusive iPhone 4S jailbreak may have just taken a big step closer to release. The jailbreak community’s great hope is pod2g, who has been making great strides of late. Yesterday he announced that, despite his progress, he was running into processor cache issues. While further obstacles will remain, the hacker has now scratched that [...]


FlyBoard water jet pack turns you into a human dolphin

While hoverboards and flying cars haven’t shown up the way Hollywood predicted in the 1980s, another sci-fi favorite — the jetpack — has progressed to the point where you can get a 33 second flight for $155,000. That’s an expensive half a minute, but if you add water to the equation the price falls drastically [...]


LG’s Magic Remote is no Siri, but it does have voice control

We know that Apple is working on a dedicated TV set. Like any of Apple’s upcoming projects we have no proof, but the hints and leaks are too numerous to ignore. But until Tim Cook takes the stage to tell us about the Siri-controlled iTV, we’re left with other manufacturers’ smart TVs. A new remote [...]


Google pauses Ice Cream Sandwich update for Nexus S

It looks like that ICS update that rolled out last week to the Nexus S isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. Google has reportedly put the brakes on the OTA update in a number of regions in order to monitor feedback. In other words, the software is buggy, people are having problems, and [...]


Pre-iOS 4 iPhones and iPod touches can’t download apps

Update: While the Featured Apps section is still broken, Apple appears to have fixed the App Store bug for pre-iOS 4 devices. Is this the beginning of the end for old iOS devices? If you’re still using one of Apple’s older models, you might not have the latest hardware or software platform, but you still [...]


Syndicate banned in Australia, EA not to appeal

UPDATED: The upcoming reboot of the 90s game series, Syndicate, has been refused classification in Australia, meaning that Australian gamers will be unable to play the game legally and will have a tough time playing it without piracy or risky importing.

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Skype offers free Wi-Fi at U.S. airports for the holidays

Take it from a guy who’s flying at 5AM on Boxing Day: holiday travel is hard enough, and it’s made even less enjoyable by spotty or overpriced internet access. Skype has announced that it’s going to soften the blow for scores of U.S. travellers this holiday season by offering free Wi-Fi access at 50 airports. [...]


Pre-iOS 4 iPhones and iPod touches can’t download apps

Is this the beginning of the end for old iOS devices? If you’re still using one of Apple’s older models, you might not have the latest hardware or software platform, but you still expect that you can download most apps. However, owners of devices that are still on iOS 3.1.3 or earlier are reporting that [...]


All Kindle orders get free two-day shipping until December 21

It seems Amazon is determined to make the end of 2011 a sales high for the Kindle range of devices. Not content with undercutting Apple by $300 with the Kindle Fire, and arguably offering the best e-reader on the market (in multiple models we might add), Amazon has now decided to introduce free two-day shipping [...]


Firefox 11 will sync your add-ons

Browser developers have always enjoyed one-upping each other, but it’s usually not long before one side returns the volley. Back in July of 2010, Google Chrome added extension support to its synchronization feature. Now, at long last, Mozilla is preparing to introduce add-on sync in Firefox 11, which will arrive in the spring of 2012. [...]


Sony sued over PSN “can’t sue us” clause

Following the huge security breach of the PlayStation Network, Sony realized that not only did it require better security for PSN, it also needed to protect itself as a company from millions of gamers potentially suing it in the future. The solution: add a new clause to the PSN terms of service that had gamers [...]


Dell Streak 101DL Baidu Yi phone, packs a 1.5GHz dual-core chip

Dell announced its intentions to build smartphones for the booming Chinese mobile market that run Baidu Yi about three months ago. Today, they’ve announced their first model: the Dell Streak 101DL, and it’s a beast of a phone. While its user-facing design looks a lot like several other Android phones, the Streak 101DL is packing [...]


Firefox 9 arrives, boosts JavaScript performance by 30%

The browser release tennis match continues between Google and Mozilla. Last week, Chrome 16 hit the stable channel and this week it’s Firefox 9 making its debut. As is the case with most version bumps in the rapid release era, there aren’t a ton of front-facing changes in the new Firefox. Mac users might notice [...]


GameFly launches Steam competitor with free games for members

Games-by-mail rental service GameFly has launched an open beta of its own digital distribution service for PC games that features a roster of free downloads for members of the service. The service is at its core a game download store where players can digitally acquire new releases. GameFly acquired digital distributor Direct2Drive in 2011, and [...]


How to install Google Wallet on the Verizon Galaxy Nexus

If you were among the first to snag a Verizon Galaxy Nexus last week, then you may have been disappointed to see that Google Wallet was nowhere to be found. Making matters worse, you couldn’t install the app from the Market, and the only method of activating it involved complicated workarounds for rooted devices. Today [...]


One year in federal prison for X-Men Origins pirate

Unfortunately it’s the norm today that most movies will be uploaded to file sharing networks either before or shortly after their official release. For some reason the movie industry has readily targeted downloaders rather than trying to weed out who stole the movie in the first place. But for once, the right person looks to [...]


Sony apologizes for PS Vita system freezes, unresponsive touchscreen

The PS Vita has now launched in Japan, but it appears that the first batch of Vita hardware has some serious issues. Japanese gamers are venting their anger online, and a few videos have started appearing showing exactly what the problem is (watch them below). The main issue is the system freezing, to the point [...]


Songl free trials extended to January 2012, major label missing and official launch still coming

Songl, Sony and Universal’s new browser-based and iOS and Android compatible streaming service, has today sent out an email to all members letting them know that their 30 day free trial, which would’ve expired soon, if not already, has been extended to the 31st of January, 2012 as a holiday gesture, or more likely because the site is yet to officially launch and could easily be described as beta.

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Samsung announces Ice Cream Sandwich will come to Galaxy S II, Tab 10.1 in 2012

We got a question from the Holiday Gift Guide asking when Ice Cream Sandwich will be coming to the Galaxy S II. I answered maybe next year – and turns out I was right. Samsung has now confirmed that it will bring the update to users next year, in addition to users who have the Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet.

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Monday, December 19, 2011

New Australian-made app to help you find local live music

LiveScene, a Brisbane-based startup, is promising to help people find live music in local venues, in addition help upcoming bands and artists to promote their gig with no marketing budgets – all from a simple app released today.

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AT&T throws in the towel on T-Mobile merger

AT&T has given up. The company has officially withdrawn its plans to acquire rival wireless provider T-Mobile. As part of the agreement, AT&T will be paying handsomely for its failure to convince the government — to the tune of a $4 billion in breakup fees to Deutsche Telekom. In a statement, AT&T defiantly stood by [...]


Santa packs an iPhone 4S, uses Siri to stay on top of Christmas duties

He’s making a list and checking it twice, and now Santa’s tapping the home button and asking Siri who’s been naughty or nice. Apple’s latest ad shows jolly old St. Nick making use of the iOS voice assistant to check the weather, get directions, and stay on top of his nearly four billion holiday appointments. [...]


How to play GBA (and DS) games at their native resolution on the 3DS

One of the best parts about Nintendo’s 3DS is how many of Nintendo’s back catalog games it is able to play. Of course the 3DS can handle DS cartridges, but it is also able to play Game Boy Advance (GBA) games that are downloaded from the Nintendo eShop. A number of people became a lot [...]


BARGAIN HUNTER: Motorola XOOM 3G+WiFi for only $399

Ever wanted a tablet that wasn’t the Apple iPad, or were just wanting a Motorola XOOM? And whilst Telstra have the exclusive rights to the device, we’ve found one that is unlocked and hence let you use any carrier you choose? Plus, did we mention free shipping?

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Verizon investigating Galaxy Nexus signal problems

While the Galaxy Nexus has been well-received by critics and the public, one complaint has been about its signal strength. It appears that some sort of software bug is causing the Verizon version of the Ice Cream Sandwich flagship to get less bars than it should. While details are murky, a Verizon rep has tweeted [...]


Blizzard sues Pocket Gnome World of Warcraft bot creators

Blizzard Entertainment does not like bots operating in World of Warcraft, and demonstrated that by taking the company behind WOWGlider to court a few years ago, winning damages, and shutting the bot down. Now a new bot has appeared, and Blizzard is attempting exactly the same thing with another lawsuit. This new bot is called [...]


iPhone 4S jailbreak so close, yet so far?

The iPhone 4S has been available for about two months, yet it has no jailbreak. The iPad 2 has been available for the better part of a year and it can only be jailbroken on an ancient version of iOS 4 (4.3.3). It’s dark times for the jailbreak community, but there may be hope. The [...]


BARGAIN HUNTER: Xbox 360 Slim 4GB – $168

Looking for something for Christmas in which the family can enjoy; or a replacement for a recently broken down Xbox? Well look no further, we’ve found a great deal for you – and just in time before Christmas.

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Delivery truck stolen carrying 22 pallets of BlackBerry PlayBooks

If someone approaches you on the street and offers you a Kindle Fire that’s been upgraded to include front and rear cameras, walk away quickly: it’s probably a stolen BlackBerry PlayBook. Thieves in Indiana jacked a semi load of RIM’s tablets worth about $1.7 million. Of course, if you apply RIM’s recent price cut, the truck [...]


Tangerine Tango named 2012′s Color of the Year

We know that you were all holding your breath just waiting for Pantone to announce its 2012 Color of the Year. The long (well, year long) wait is over and “Tangerine Tango” has been announced as the winner of the prestigious honor. Chosen because of its “sophisticated and dramatic undertones,” Tangerine Tango (Pantone 17-1463) is [...]


Minecraft developer Notch creates Minicraft in 48 hours

Markus Persson, the independent developer who more commonly goes by the name of Notch, is best known for creating the game Minecraft and founding Mojang AB. As well as developing and releasing one of the best games of 2011, he’s also someone who clearly loves making games whenever he can. Evidence of this comes from [...]


Eric Schmidt says a Nexus tablet is coming to town

Android tablets, up to this point, haven’t exactly flourished. The big exception, the Kindle Fire, has succeeded as more of an Amazon sales hub than as an iPad competitor. One thing we haven’t yet seen is a Nexus tablet: what does Google think an ideal tablet should look like? It looks like we’ll be finding [...]


1.4GHz Huawei Mercury smartphone lands on Cricket for just $250

Looking for a bargain on a zippy little Android number? Check out the just-launched Huawei Mercury from Cricket. The $250 phone packs plenty of hardware punch. Horsepower is provided by a 1.4GHz single-core Qualcomm Scorpion processor. No, it’s not the dual-core powerplant you’ll find in some other Android phones, but that clock speed should allow [...]


Seagate, Western Digital slash hard drive warranties

If you don’t have an account with a cloud backup service, now might be a good time to get on board: hard drive warranties just got a whole lot shorter, with both Seagate and Western Digital announcing deep cuts. Seagate’s are the most shocking, dropping from as many as five years to one year. The [...]


Google revamps doodle site, launches Doodles on Demand store

Google regularly releases a doodle on its search homepage to celebrate some key day, event, or person. The quality of the doodles varies, with many just being a commissioned image. The doodles we really enjoy are interactive such as the one celebrating sci-fi author Stanislaw Lem, Jim Henson’s 75th birthday, or the Les Paul guitar. [...]


Vending machine uses 65-inch transparent touchscreen and anonymous face recognition

Vending machines are due a tech update, don’t you think? For decades now they haven’t changed much. You either see the product or get a list of options, insert the correct change, and get some food, beverage, DVD, toy, or gadget in return. You could argue they don’t need to do anything else, but we’re [...]


British Telecom sues Google for patent infringement across all its services

British Telecom (BT), the London-based telecommunications company, has filed a lawsuit against Google that claims infringement of 6 patents. This is a big deal for both companies as the lawsuit lists just about every major service Google offers as well as Android as the products that infringe these patents. The patents in question are: 6,151,309 [...]


Watch Armadillo Aerospace’s Stiga rocket reach 137,500 feet

As most of you probably already know, as well as developing some of the best game engines in the world, and helping to create games in the Doom, Quake, and most recently Rage series, John Carmack has an interest in rockets and spacecraft. Carmack’s space-focused company is called Armadillo Aerospace, and earlier this month it [...]


Control Super Mario Bros. 3 using only your arm muscles

For all of you macho gamers out there that jump at any chance to show off your “guns” to the ladies, a biomedical company named Advancer Technologies has created a video game controller just for you. Using electromyography (EMG) sensors tied into a modified Arduino Uno board, the company has successfully created a plug-and-play device that [...]


German scientists build world’s smallest steam engine using lasers

For those of you out there that are in love with fuel efficient vehicles, German scientists at the Max Planck Institute for intelligent systems have created the world’s smallest steam-powered engine out of a couple of lasers and a tiny colloid ball. Imagine being able to power your Prius with a bank of microscopic steam [...]


A brilliant explanation of how a car’s differential works

Even if you aren’t a car guy or girl you will probably really like this video. Shot back in 1937, it explains how a differential — the part of the car that negotiates the fact that wheels on the same axle do not always turn at the same speed. As far as auto tech goes, [...]


Sunday, December 18, 2011

The strangest Skyrim mod yet: rolling goat cheese

So you’ve been playing Skyrim for over a month now. You’ve hacked your way through legions of trolls, ice wraiths, and skeevers — and now you’re ready for something new. Maybe you’ve even tried some of the most bizarre mods, including nude patches, Spiderman’s suit, and the chest hair generator. Well, we have the Skyrim [...]


F18 cockpit footage makes you want to be a fighter pilot

It’s something 99% of us will never experience, and at the same time anyone getting the opportunity will probably find every roller-coaster boring afterwards. But through the use of a GoPro camera, we can all get a better idea of what it’s like to sit inside an F-18 during take-off and in flight. The speed [...]


Star Wars: The Old Republic pre-launch – The prologue is epic!

For those of you still waiting to get into Star Wars: The Old Republic, your anticipation is well founded. Since my first report on the start of my “saga”, I have been able to get through the prologue, reach level 10, and was rewarded with my very first lightsaber. The journey getting to that point [...]


Square Enix server hack compromises 1.8 million gamer accounts

With 15 days of the year left to go, you’d think it a safe bet not to hear of any new large-scale security breaches on servers used for gaming. But we’ve just heard about another one, affecting 1.8 million gamers. This time it’s Square Enix who has been targeted, with servers holding details of both [...]


Friday, December 16, 2011

Use your own voice to perform dragon shouts with this epic Skyrim mod

From time to time there comes a long a mod for a game like Skyrim that makes you ask yourself, “Why in the world was this not included with the game from the start?” You know, mods like the unofficial Oblivion Mod that fixed 1800 bugs that Bethesda left in the game due to time [...]


Sony uses shredded paper as a bio-battery power source

At the moment, the rechargeable batteries we rely on in our gadgets don’t contain the most environmentally-friendly materials, and aren’t the type of thing anyone should be throwing away. They should be recycled at a specialist recycle center. What would be much more eco-friendly is a way to create power from waste products, but at [...]


Record labels join forces against Grooveshark

Grooveshark has the biggest and best library of any music streaming service. This statement could easily be made with more than a hint of sarcasm; unlike licensed services Spotify, Rdio, and Mog, Grooveshark operates on shaky legal ground, dancing around the blurry edges of the DMCA. Universal has been trying to sue the pants off [...]


Thieving duo stealing iPhones in New York, reject all other smartphones

Buy an Android or BlackBerry if you don’t want your smartphone stolen, folks. Apple has received some priceless publicity from New York, where a pair of thieves have made headlines because of their choosiness. Apparently the discerning duo only wants iPhones or cash, not your crappy BlackBerry or Droid. As anyone who follows the smartphone market [...]


Sprint orders all OEMs to strip Carrier IQ from their hardware

In an attempt to distance themselves from the increasingly volatile Carrier IQ situation, we’ve been told that Sprint has ordered that all of their hardware partners remove the Carrier IQ software from Sprint devices as soon as possible. This comes after a number of dramatic turns over the past few weeks. During that time Carrier [...]


Ice Cream Sandwich rolling out to Nexus S – how to get it now

Now that Ice Cream Sandwich has arrived with the Galaxy Nexus, the next question is when older devices will receive the upgrade to Android 4.0. The next phone in line should be another Pure Google phone, the Nexus S. The wait may not be long: Google has announced that owners of the GSM/UMTS (T-Mobile and [...]


What is the Droid Razr Maxx?

Note: Image is simulated and not an actual Verizon leak. Is the Droid Razr getting a sooner-than-expected sequel? The popular handset just launched last month, but in the world of Android handsets, it’s already nearly ready to get an AARP card. Leaked internal Verizon documents reveal that a mysterious Razr sequel, the Droid Razr Maxx, [...]


Transformer Prime pre-orders begin in the UK

2011 has been the year of Android release date confusion. The HTC Thunderbolt, Droid Charge, Droid Bionic, and Galaxy Nexus all had many rumored release dates come and go before finally releasing. While those can all be traced back to Verizon, the WiFi-only Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime has been in danger of joining that [...]


Google-funded security report slams Firefox

Companies who develop web browsers tend to share common goals: browsers have to be fast, standards compliant, stable, and secure. Being able to prove that your browser is el numero uno in any of those aspects makes it that much more attractive to end users. Google has done its fair share of trumpeting for Chrome, [...]


Samsung will increase your Galaxy Nexus battery life for $50

Update: As has been pointed out, this doesn’t supplement the existing battery, it replaces it in the phone. So you get a longer battery life, but not more than double. You could of course take the spare battery as a backup and switch it out when necessary. Still worth the $50 investment if you’re a [...]


Samsung manufactures Apple’s A5 processor in Texas

Processor manufacturing is not something commonly associated with the U.S. We typically think that components are made and assembled in countries where it’s much cheaper to employ people and acquire land for large facilities, such as in China and Taiwan. You may be both surprised and pleased to find out that the processor at the [...]


TECHGEEK Weekly 73: The 2011 Holiday Gift Guide Live Show

So, if you did miss our Holiday Gift Guide Live podcast this year, Stewart actually found a way of recording it. So this is the entire two-hour live show, unedited and uncensored for your own listening pleasure.

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Samsung will double your Galaxy Nexus battery life for $50

The Galaxy Nexus ships with a 1750mAh rechargeable battery, which when coupled with the 4.65-inch display and 1.2GHz dual-core processor, probably isn’t going to make it through the day. That is, if you intend on actually using it for calls, apps, and surfing the web on a regular basis. Samsung has clearly realized this and [...]


Grand Theft Auto on iOS: Chinatown Wars vs. GTA III

Few video game franchises compare to Grand Theft Auto. In terms of sales, critical acclaim, and overall fun factor, Rockstar’s sandbox crime series is rivaled only by Mario, Zelda, and perhaps Final Fantasy or Call of Duty. With this week’s release of Grand Theft Auto III for mobile devices, there are now two GTA games [...]


8-inch iPad to launch in time for 2012 holiday season?

We’ve reported plenty of times on the rumored impending arrival of a second, smaller iPad to Apple’s retail line-up. There was to be a 7-inch model in time for Christmas 2010, which never happened. Then, it was said to be coming in February 2011 — but that turned out to be the iPad 2. Most [...]


Star Wars: The Old Republic pre-launch – First impressions

Having pre-ordered Star Wars: The Old Republic over the summer, I was excited when I received my invitation to play on the first day of pre-launch. Being a lifelong Star Wars fan, and an avid player of Sony’s now defunct Star Wars Galaxies (before the NGE debacle), the anticipation of the release of this title was at record [...]


TECHGEEK Weekly 72: That Very, Very Short One

There isn’t an intro because this our final episode. So, instead we’re giving away products – and this is the obligatory news part of TECHGEEK Weekly. So, stay tuned for the Holiday Gift Guide recording tomorrow to hear your questions answered and the humour from our three panellists.

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Kinect-powered autonomous robots cook popcorn, make sandwiches

The reality of having a robot for a butler may be one step closer thanks to a robotics team from the University of Munich (TUM). They have created a pair of autonomous robots that are able to cook stovetop popcorn and prepare sandwiches using a Kinect sensor from Microsoft. Is there anything that peripheral can’t do? [...]


French president Nicolas Sarkozy has broken his own three-strikes piracy rules

If you ask most people which country has the strictest rules governing what you can and can’t view on the Internet, the top answer would definitely be China. But if you ask which country has the worst rules relating to online piracy, France would certainly come near the top. The reason for this is the [...]


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Verizon accidentally tests mobile alert system with doomsday text

FEMA and the FCC got some free testing of the new Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) in the form of a freak text message from Verizon to some of its customers in New Jersey recently. Users got a text alert that there was a civil emergency in their area, and that they needed to take [...]


Google baits potential Chromebook buyers with library lending program

Google’s had an easy time giving away Chromebooks. Selling them, however, is another matter. Neither Acer nor Samsung has seen much interest in their first Chromebook models, and recently that led to some much-needed price cuts. Even with the reduction, Samsung has still handed out far more Series 5 Chromebooks than it has sold. Apart [...]


How to unlock the bootloader of the Galaxy Nexus

After getting your hands on that new Verizon Galaxy Nexus, you may want to unlock the bootloader. If you’re ever going to want to run custom ROMs, flash a recovery tool, or permanently delete crapware, this will be a necessary step. You’ll also want to do this before delving too much into your phone, as [...]


How to remove Carrier IQ from Android, Blackberry, and iPhone

It still isn’t 100% clear exactly who is using Carrier IQ — and for what purposes — but one thing we do know is that you don’t benefit from having it on your phone. Rooted Android users and all iOS users can remove the software with relative ease, and now RIM has posted instructions for [...]


TeleNav to offer free, browser-based GPS navigation

Sometimes the announcements with the biggest long-term ramifications can almost go unnoticed. GPS navigation service TeleNav has announced that it will be offering a free HTML5-based voiced navigation app. While it may not have the sexiness of an Apple leak or a Galaxy Nexus release date, this can potentially be just as important. TeleNav, whose [...]


Asus Transformer Prime to get Ice Cream Sandwich in January?

The Eee Pad Transformer Prime may have the most ridiculous name this side of Droid Xyboard, but Asus’ device has quickly become the best tablet Android has to offer. Not only will it be the first device to run Nvidia’s quad-core Tegra 3 processor, but it also may be the first significant tablet to run [...]


Galaxy Nexus lands on Verizon, gets first update

The day has finally arrived: Verizon’s Galaxy Nexus has gone on sale. After taking it home, ripping open the box, and getting your first look at Ice Cream Sandwich, though, you might see a notification for an update. Have no fear, for it’s safe to download and will give your handset a few last-minute tweaks. [...]


Capcom announces best digital games compilation yet

Not everyone wants digital download games. It may be their home data plan makes downloading them an expensive decision, or there may not be a credit card available to use to buy them. Some gamers just prefer the physical presence of a disc they can take out and play whenever. Many a publisher has realized [...]


Microsoft to introduce automatic background IE upgrades in Australia, Brazil

Microsoft will trial a new method of upgrading its browser Internet Explorer, by making it automatic and hidden in the background, in Australia and Brazil in 2012. The new method puts the browser in line with Google Chrome, who have had this system already in place.

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Search multiple devices simultaneously with Wyse PocketCloud Explore

Smartphone and tablet users are trying harder and harder to replace their laptops when on-the-go. For many, it’s still not possible to completely do away with the PC (yet), but there are plenty of tools out there to help you leave it at home. As the popularity of cloud services increases, it becomes much easier [...]


Hands-on with Grand Theft Auto III for iOS, Android

With all of the hub-bub over the Galaxy Nexus on Verizon, it’s easy to forget about another big release. Rockstar Games has released its mobile port of  Grand Theft Auto III for iOS and Android. The groundbreaking open world title costs $4.99 in the App Store and Android Market. GTA III is only compatible with [...]


3D printing could keep the ISS in orbit indefinitely

If something breaks aboard the International Space Station, NASA has to either hope there’s already a spare part on board, or add it to the list of items to include on the next delivery. That turns out to be a very expensive way to maintain an orbiting craft, and part of the reason why the [...]


Raspberry Pi announces the Gertboard expansion board

When the Raspberry Pi $25 PC makes an appearance next year, it won’t be the only piece of hardware available to buy from the foundation’s online store. Today, it has been revealed the first expansion board for the tiny computer will also be available to purchase (if things go to plan). Expansion boards allow for [...]


Facebook Timeline now available for all – and get ready for the users to scream hate

Facebook’s new profile design, dubbed Timeline, will now be rolled out worldwide from today which was previously available to developers. Users can now either opt-in to the new design right now, or wait until you are prompted to by Facebook.

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Microsoft decides to automatically update Internet Explorer for everyone

Good news, everyone! Microsoft has decided that the time has come to make sure that all users of Internet Explorer are using the most current version possible. To accomplish that goal, they’re turning on automatic updates. Yes, Internet Explorer patches and new major versions are already available via Windows Update. But to move from one [...]


Google Chrome unseats Internet Explorer as top browser worldwide

When Google Chrome launched a couple years ago, people knew that Google’s massive web presence and cross-promotional powers would help it gain market share quickly. But in just over 26 months Chrome 15 has surpassed Internet Explorer 8 to become the most popular browser in the world. Yes, it’s a single browser version — and [...]


Microsoft opens up Messenger with an open standard (yes, I know)

Microsoft HQ

Microsoft seems to be in a developer friendly mood this year. With the opening of the Kinect API and trying to attract developers with a really good revenue sharing arrangement, Microsoft has announced that they will be opening its Windows Live Messaging network with XMPP.

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Will 2012 MacBook Pros get Retina Displays?

In the next stage of MacBook Pro evolution, the devices will most likely get thinner. Most experts believe that the line’s next update, probably within the next six months, will bring this change. According to a new report, that may not be the only big update coming to the MacBook Pro: supply chain sources say [...]


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Verizon Galaxy Nexus finally has a release date

  Update: It’s official: the Verizon Galaxy Nexus will launch tomorrow, December 15, for $299. With so many rumored release dates for the Verizon Galaxy Nexus having come and gone, it’s hard to get too excited when you hear a new one. But it looks like we may finally have something solid: multiple internal leaks [...]


Lack of players forces Aion MMO to go free-to-play

The migration to a free-to-play model continues as yet another high-profile MMO has this week announced it will be offering a free account from February next year. The game in question is Aion, developed by NCSoft, which has been available since 2009 outside of South Korea. The 38-strong team behind the online game have been [...]


Comedian Louis C.K. confronts piracy head on with digital experiment

It’s pretty safe to say that the one group of people that seem to be both overlooked and at the same time the vulnerable in the “war on piracy” are comedians. These entertainers need to create original content in order to stay relevant, and that content is a product of weeks of research and creative [...]


LG’s Prada 3.0 phone gets official hours after leak

In the wee hours of the morning, LG‘s latest collaboration with the fashionable folks at Prada was revealed: the Prada Phone by LG 3.0. One of the most noteworthy features of the Prada 3.0 is its 4.3-inch (800 x 480) NOVA Plus display. At 800 nits, it’s almost 50% brighter than a Super AMOLED screen. [...]


Omni-directional 6-legged insect robot can save lives, do cartwheels

While you won’t see this robot buzzing from building to building in your city, you may witness it working to help rescue people and save lives. Built by a group of researchers based at Osaka University in Japan, it was inspired by the team’s observations of animals in nature. Borrowing from the body structures of [...]


Live Messenger adopts open XMPP protocol, aims for Skype interoperability

Microsoft has been all about open standards in recent times, hammering away at robust HTML5 support in IE9 and IE10 and pushing the concept of “same markup” for all web browsers. Now, they’re making Live Messenger a whole lot more open by providing access via the XMPP protocol. XMPP — also known as Jabber — [...]


The Microsoft/Nokia low-end strategy is backwards

Oh, Microsoft, can you get nothing right? Windows Phone 7 is an attractive platform, and the Nokia partnership has the potential to impress with gorgeous flagship handsets, yet the international launch of the Lumia 800 has come and gone with no sign of it in the US. Now word comes that the stateside debut of [...]


Untethered iOS 5 and 5.0.1 jailbreak release is imminent

The wait for an untethered iOS 5 jailbreak is almost over — at least for some of us. Developer pod2g has announced that the hack is ready, and only waiting on some final testing. pod2g has confirmed that the jailbreak is working on both iOS 5 and iOS 5.0.1 on the following devices: the iPhone [...]


Gene Simmons to sue the pants off Anonymous

Kiss frontman Gene Simmons hates file sharing. Way back in 2007, he told Billboard Magazine that downloaders should be “sued off the face of the earth.” Last year, he reminded everyone at the MIPCOM convention in Cannes of his convictions — and that didn’t sit well with some Anonymous affiliates. In response, they fired up [...]


10 free GBA games for 3DS Ambassadors announced

When Nintendo reduced the price so significantly soon after the launch of the 3DS, it was understandable they thought an apology was in order for early adopters who had already purchased the hardware. That apology came in the form of the 3DS Ambassadors program, which held the promise of 20 free downloadable games from the [...]


NASA is developing a cannon harpoon to collect comet samples

NASA has managed to recover rock samples from the Moon by actually landing on it. However, that’s quite a big, slow moving target with relatively flat surfaces on which to land a spacecraft. Recovering samples from fast moving comets, which are much smaller, throw off ice and rock as they travel, and have much more [...]


Is OnLive for iPad stuck in Apple approval limbo?

OnLive made quite the splash last week when it landed on the Android Market. The cloud gaming service lets Android users play console titles like L.A. Noire, Batman: Arkham City, and Deus Ex: Human Revolution on mobile devices. Those with fast internet connections can essentially have a library of console games on their phones and [...]


Google busts a cap in Shoot View

Just yesterday, the world caught wind of a sensational new Google Maps mashup: Shoot View, which let you stomp around real world cities with an assault rifle and shoot at people, dogs, cars, or whatever else got your dander up. Less than 24 hours after it hit the blogosphere, Google pulled out the banhammer and [...]


The contract that created Apple has just sold for $1.59 million

With the death of Steve Jobs still fresh in everyone’s minds, anything relating to his history and the history of Apple has predictably increased in value. Some of those items are set to create a few millionaires, as an auction at Sotheby’s in New York has just demonstrated. Wade Saadi, founder of IT recruitment company [...]


HP to revamp logo and ditches the circle for some slanted lines?

What you are looking at now is HP’s new logo. While it hasn’t been officially announced by the company – and could possibly not come into fruition – a creative agency has broken the news of HP’s potential new look on their blog.

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Pioneer’s new optical drive offers 6x 128GB BDXL disc recording

The amount of times I use my DVD drive continues to diminish. All the software I use I download, and games I buy mostly in digital form. The last time I really needed an optical drive was for installing Windows 7, and since then I can count on two hands the amount of times a [...]


Google Street View shows post-tsunami Japan to the world

Google has updated its Street View feature in Google Maps with a drive up and down the disaster-ravaged areas of northern Japan struck by the March 11th earthquake and tsunami. The company took its 360-degree panorama camera cars through 44,000 kilometers (27,340 miles) of the region in the hope of providing useful information to researchers, [...]


How to view the 2011 Geminids meteor shower

Stargazers, astronomy buffs, and others who just like seeing cool stuff will want to look to the heavens tonight. The annual Geminid meteor shower will be at its peak this evening, and we have tips for you to make the most of it. The Geminids is a meteor shower which originated from the 3200 Phaeton [...]


LIVE PODCAST FRIDAY NIGHT! Win some great prizes!

Don’t forget! We have our live podcast on this Friday, 16th December 2011 starting at 7:00PM. The show will be filled with Gift Ideas, best products to buy and of course, giveaways! However, you have to be an Australian citizen to win. But how do you win? Simple. Ask us a question.

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Internet Explorer users have their intelligence questioned yet again

Earlier this year, a study claimed that Internet Explorer users weren’t as smart as folks using alternative web browsers. That, of course, turned out to be a publicity stunt and the figures were fabricated as part of the punking process. Now, a second group who claims its research is on the level is making a similar [...]


Toshiba WT301D 10-inch Windows 7 tablet unveiled in Japan

While the iPad continues to be a hot commodity, Android tablets pick up steam, and recent BlackBerry price cuts shifted tons of PlayBooks, Windows tablets still haven’t really struck a chord with the average user. They’re often seen popping up in professional environments, however, from loading docks and warehouses to medical facilities…which is why it’s [...]


Chrome 16 adds multiple user account support

Another six weeks, another Google Chrome release. To close out 2011, you’ll be running Chrome 16 and there’s one key feature the folks at Mountain View want to introduce to you: multiple user accounts. The feature arrived on Chrome’s beta channel early last month, and it provides a handy way to keeps favorites and login [...]


GALLERY – Metal Gear Rising: Revengence

Those who love the Metal Gear franchise must have been pleased when this year sees the release of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Developed by Platinum Games, the new game shifts towards a more action-based game rather than what it was previously announced.

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Alienware announces Aurora – promises extreme gaming performance

Alienware has announced a new gaming desktop that promises to deliver “extreme gaming performance” to gamers with blazing speeds and immerse graphics. Dubbed the Aurora, the desktop will run on the second generation of Intel Core i7 processors (i7-3000) among many different configuration setups.

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Google is close to releasing Siri rival called Majel

At the moment, Siri is one of a kind. The iOS assistant is in its infancy, but it’s still miles ahead of any rival voice recognition platforms. Android has implemented voice search from the beginning, but it lacks Siri’s conversational A.I. element. That may change soon, as a report states that Google will soon release [...]


Has Apple just acquired flash storage specialist Anobit?

Say you’re one of the biggest companies in the world, and you believe that a key supply chain source is copying your product designs. You want to cut all ties with this rival, but you still need its hardware components. What do you do? Buying up other supply chain sources is one option, and that’s [...]


NTSB recommends outright ban on cellphones for drivers

Driving and texting don’t mix. Driving while holding a phone to your ear isn’t a good idea either. But what about hands-free conversations and phone actions? If the National Transportation Safety Board has its way, they will all be outlawed nationwide. The agency has recommended an outright ban on all mobile phone activity while driving. [...]


Judge dismisses PS3 OtherOS class action lawsuit

In April of 2010 Sony caused a lot of upset with the release of firmware 3.21 for the PS3. That upset came from the fact it removed the OtherOS functionality from the console–the ability to install and use Linux. One gamer managed to get a partial refund from Amazon because of the functionality removal, but [...]


GIVEAWAY: Kingston Wi-Drive

Thanks to our friends at Kingston, one lucky winner has the chance to win this fantastic Kingston Wi-Drive (RRP $149.99). With it’s built in 16GB of flash storage, Wi-Drive allows iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch users to stream movies, listen to music, view pictures or download documents by utilizing the Wi-Drive App (available on the App Store) and Wi-Fi 802.11 g/n.The files are easily retrieved wirelessly and without the need for messy cables.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

SpaceX to dock at ISS, first commercial craft to do so

SpaceX, the private space transportation company, will be sending a shuttle to the International Space Station soon. As opposed to just flying close to the station in order to test its Dragon spacecraft, the mission will be a functional one. That means that the Dragon will dock on the ISS and resupply the station. This [...]


FTC offers fake AV scam victims $20 rebate checks

Ever heard of Innovative Marketing? Probably not, but about three years ago the company found itself in hot water with the FTC for pushing fake antivirus software. Their bogus titles included some of the biggest in fake AV history, like WinAntivirus and XP Antivirus — as well as DriveCleaner, ErrorFixer, and many other unscrupulous apps. The [...]